**INVITATION** To thank everyone who voted for us, we’re putting together a Spa Party on Sept 22, 2016. You can get on the pre-registration now (for FREE!), click here. Last time we did a party, we had a line up down the block (not kidding!) and this party will be no different.
We would like to sincerely thank the Peterborough community for voting us Peterborough’s favourite spa. We are honoured and excited about receiving this award!
Three years ago we launched a new spa concept. We believe PERCEPTIONAL is a personal and exceptional spa experience and we’ve been working tirelessly to provide that to our guests. From FREE lattes, 24/7 online booking, our own mobile app, our curated music experience, the Urban Club, the longest open hours and so much more, we are glad you think we are PERCEPTIONAL by awarding us Peterborough’s Favourite Spa!

Lined up down the block waiting for entrance…
Some businesses would sit back, relax and enjoy their reward. We’ve decided as a team we’re going to work HARDER THAN EVER to be even better. The Peterborough Examiner 2016 Reader’s Choice Magazine will be distributed on Wednesday August 31st. Here’s a direct link to the online version of the magazine.
Our award is shown on page 26 (as seen below) and our thank you advertisement is on page 45 (as seen below).
INVITATION: To thank everyone who voted for us, we’re putting together a Spa Party on Sept 22, 2016. You can get on the pre-registration now (for FREE!), click here. Last time we did a party, we had a line up down the block (not kidding!) and this party will be no different.

Peterborough’s Favourite Spa

Our Thank You Advertisement!