In our Urban Spa Pedicure you have the option for callous removal but what does that really mean?
We don’t “remove” any callous; instead we gradually smooth it with the use of a foot paddle instead of removing it all at once with a Credo Bade.
Callous on your feet is a natural foot protection your feet need to protect your from daily wear and tear- think walking, jogging or wearing those gorgeous 3 inch heels you probably spent too much on! What can happen when you remove all that callous at once is your body is shocked into thinking it needs to protect your feet and fast causing in most cases, worse callous than before!
There are many states across the US where Credo Blades have been band for use by anyone other than trained doctors. It is also recommended by many Canadian health units to not use them and many insurance companies will deny you if you do! In some cases too much skin and living tissue can be removed when a Credo Blade is used. This can lead to open wounds and can cause many infections and diseases!
The best way to take care of your callous is to slowly work at them in the shower weekly with a professional foot paddle, which we can provide to you! You want your feet wet or moist so the skin removes easily and there is less chance of removing live tissue. You then want to use a high quality foot lotion or salve DAILY and diligently to help with the dry skin or cracks! Home care is ESSENTIAL to the repair of your tired and worn feet!
As always if you feel your callous is more than you can handle, talk to your doctor or visit a foot care specialist.
When in doubt, avoid the blade. Take the Urban approach and use a foot paddle instead!
Kerri Holley, Owner The Urban Spa Peteborough
388 Rogers St.