With the summer quickly approaching, it’s time for gardeners to get outside and start working on their yards. Many people love to spend their weekends gardening, especially as the weather warms up. Unfortunately, after going a long winter without using those muscles in your hands and arms, you may feel some muscle pain or tension. Our Peterborough spa can help you relax this tension with massage therapy.
Gardening primarily involves the hands and arms, but it can affect a variety of muscles and areas of your body. Shoulder impingement is a common injury for gardeners who use overhead arm movements when performing tasks like clipping hedges. Pain in the knees is also common for people who spend time kneeling while planting. Many gardeners, especially those who lift heavy items or frequently bend down while planting or weeding, experience lower back pain as well.
Our Registered Massage Therapists at the Urban Spa in Peterborough can help you relieve or prevent these aches and pains. After you experience soreness or pain from gardening, a massage can reduce stiffness and improve your recovery time. Massage can treat delayed onset muscle soreness, which usually occurs between 24 and 72 hours after gardening.
Massage can also help to prevent soreness or tension before you begin gardening. Before a weekend of gardening, you can visit our Peterborough spa for a massage therapy treatment that will increase circulation and loosen your joints, which will minimize the soreness you feel after gardening. Our massage therapists in Peterborough can target the specific muscles you use while gardening to prevent injury.
Gardening is a great hobby in the spring and summer, but you can damage your muscles if you jump right into it. We have several experienced massage therapists in Peterborough at our spa who can help you receive muscle pain. If you’re looking for massage therapy in Peterborough before or after a busy weekend of gardening, consider visiting our spa. You can book online, call us 705-741-1212 or email booknow@urbanspapeterborough.com